Chairpersons Al and Marcia Ashley - DBBC,
Jim and Linda McDevitt - DBBC, Jason and Debbie Pearson - FYC, Rob and Carol Wolas - SBC, Al Antoine and Paula Penn - RVYC,
Dale Vanderford and Teressa Hopkins - DBBC,
Tom and Patty Kovach - GLSBC, Chris and Sharon Amlin - SPBC, Michele Durocher – WYC
2017 Ways and Means Committee
and Public Relations Committee
Chairpersons Steve Hyder and Pam Myers - DBBC,
Larry and Linda DeBagio - PPBC,
Dave and Jeannie Arnold - DBBC,
Dan and Nancy Thomas - FYC,
Al Baillargeon and Vivian Gebstadt - WYC,
Scott and Texanita Sander - DBBC,
Larry and Pam Marter - HVYC,
Terry and Debbie Trimmer - ORYC / BVYC,
Ed and Amy Cantu - LYC,
Joe and Karen Petersberger - HVYC