AYC Website Guidelines:
October 2006
The AYC website,
http://www.associatedyachtclubs.com , was conceived by AYC Commodore Jason Pearson, AYC Recording Secretary Al Ashley, and AYC Treasurer John Dent. Commodore Pearson asked for, and received a motion, which was ultimately approved by the delegates, to pursue the website with a limited expenditure of $300 annually.Following that authorization, Ed Payne was asked to, and did, set up the initial AYC website, with an expected AYC cost of less than $200 annually.
While the website is still maturing and changing as of this writing, it's main mission is to communicate AYC Events to all member clubs, and to promote club interactions.
Several pages on the site are set at the start of the year, and are not expected to change during the year. Others will change as needed.
The main pages for change will be the AYC Events page, which will contain all the information related to actual AYC events, where everyone's support is requested, and the AYC Club Events page, which will operate as a calendar of club events.
Items presented for the AYC Events page should be from the AYC Board, the AYC PR Committee, and the AYC Ways and Means Committees, as the main contributors.
Items presented for the AYC Club Events page are to be calendar events from each AYC member club. The basis for this posting should be flyers presented at AYC meetings. It is requested these flyers be emailed to the webmaster as pdf, jpg, Word, or Excel files, and should be UNDER 0.5M per email, per file. This emailing is NOT to preclude presentation of the flyers for the AYC packet distribution at the appropriate AYC meeting.
It should be considered that items sensitive to public promotion should not be presented for publication. These items should include personal email addresses, personal telephone numbers, and other items that may cause undue inspection of our Clubs.
Also, please return your officer election results as quickly as possible, with all pertinent information, to post on the website AND in the format to print the AYC Yearbook. The website is predicated on the Yearbook, so the information must be compiled and formatted prior to annual updates. The sooner the better!
Thank you for your assistance!
Ed Payne
AYC Webmaster