The Harbor View Boating and Sportsmans Club was formed in the summer of 1948 by a group of sports and boat enthusiasts numbering about 40.
Maynard Keaton, now deceased, was Commodore from the beginning until 1954. He and Mr. Whiteman, who is also deceased, were acclaimed the spark plugs in the founding and organizing of the Club.
In the ensuing years, the charter members accumulated enough money to finally have a channel dug in 1953 after two previous failures. This was accomplished by several dances, raffles, feather parties, and by selling a promise of a channel through a marsh. The present club property was also acquired in this same year.
In 1954, Clarence Ankele who previously served as able Vice-Commodore, was elected Commodore. With much time spent negotiating, our present channel was finally acquired. Our application into the A.Y.C. was accepted. The building of docks was started. Progress was rather slow at first because of much work to be done in grading and in pile-driving. As the membership increased, a new by-law was added which required each able-bodied member to work 24 hours per year. This speeded up the progress decidedly.
In 1955, Mike Borsos, a hard working member, was elected Commodore. With John Zemenski serving as his Harbor Master, he kept things going very well. Due to the business demands of Borsos he was forced to relinquish his leadership to Vice-Commodore George Evans in mid-year. Evans carried on successfully for the remaining term. During this time a building committee was appointed to start drawing up plans for a new clubhouse.
In 1956-1957, George Weatherwax was elected Commodore. Under his term, the tempo of building more docks was rapidly increased due to the increasing number of members. The banks of our channel were widened and straightened and the marsh was starting to be filled.
In the future, we hope to use this as a park. April 2, 1957, the old clubhouse was razed and construction of our present clubhouse was started immediately.
Construction progressed so rapidly that the first meeting in the new building was held on July 2, 1957, exactly three months after we started to tear down the old building. Primarily all work was done by the members. On September 2, 1957, the name of the club was officially changed to the HARBOR VIEW YACHT CLUB along with the colors and burgee.
In 1958 Bill Shimman was elected Commodore. He insisted that this club was large enough and equipped well enough to hold an A.Y.C. sanctioned Regatta. A Ladies Auxiliary was also organized and is functioning quite successfully.